Today I signed up with a tutorial with Dan to discuss where my project is at the moment which has left me with a lot of things to consider....
What is my piece, I have been calling it an Evidential Film as it is documenting what is there, but I have also discussed plans to implement the piece with my own artistic decisions, such as editing and soundtrack, do these decisions detract from the evidential nature of the piece, if so are they necessary, and if they are then what do I class my piece as?
How does the sound piece work? Bill Fontana's water recordings Primal Soundings a permanent installation at Leeds City Art Gallery.
How do I approach the piece and soncially this will affect the video piece or if they are approached as separate entities and displayed way from each other. I previously talked about Gustavo Santaolalla
In preparation for Monday's Crit in the seminar spaces where we are required to exhibit a piece...