Finally, after yesterdays informative presentation, the underlying message of creating new work hit home.
So as with my original works I just went out and created it, this time however there would be a marked difference in that my landscape rather than the 'void' is white, meaning that for it to stand out my object would need to be dark.
Covering the original board in black card for it to stand out against the snow landscape I went to Hyde Park in Leeds which has taken a fair amount of the white stuff and would also provide me with a different style of environment to capture my work.
Whilst it may seem a little naive to just 'go out there', I felt this needed to be done in order to freshen things up, and although the works are of questionable quality I still feel they posses something. Unlike the disastorous Photoshop incarnations before them, this series does I feel add something interesting and new to the concept, although wether it complies to the original intentions of the work remains to be seen.
Rather than being a 'void' the black becoems an obvious bold statement that provokes reaction, as was the white piece but I feel the black is too intimadating and bold rather than the mysteriousness of the white.
Altering the images due to the original scale was again something that I felt needed to be done in order for the piece to create the right visual impact.